Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I wonder who came up with the idea of celebrating or remembering anniversaries? Those significant dates that make a mark on your heart and cause your body to react when they approach. I know that we have many anniversary dates marking the deaths of loved ones and that when they start getting close, our bodies react. I will be moving along, working and doing life and then I get sad. When I look at the calendar I realize, another anniversary is near and that is why I am feeling this impending doom and gloom approaching.

Today marks 5 years since Trina's Mom passed away. It was one of the most horrible times of our lives together and I can't even bring myself to think of the details. But the dead do not want us to forget them, they love when we remember them. I loved her, she was an angel to me when my own Mom passed away. We would talk for hours on the phone and she would pray with me to get me to stop the hysterical crying that accompanied my grief over losing my Mom. She was the only one that could make me feel better when that happened. I miss her. I miss her presence but I can still feel her. Especially this year.

So today, I will work on a few things I need to get done and then, when I can I will remember her life and love.


Fijufic said...

You always carry a piece of departed loved ones in your heart.

Dorrie said...

memories are always to be treasured, and sometimes we need such anniversaries so that we don't forget. Some of those are more memorable then others.....

The Lioness and the Butterfly said...

The anniversary of my mom's death without notice this year. I did realize I missed it the next day, and I felt guilty for a moment. I then realized that she lives with me everyday and she wouldn't mind that I don't get sad every year anymore. Of course, its been 14 years. I guess its time.